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Coronavirus guidance and prayers

In the midst of the developing coronavirus situation, Churches Together in England (CTE) are encouraging churches and ecumenical groups to follow national public health guidance.

They have collated a number of useful links relating to:

  • Church building closures
  • Continuing Prayer
  • Funeral, weddings, baptisms and partoral respones
  • HR/Finance resources
  • Mental Health resources
  • National call to prayer
  • Theological resources
  • Prayer resources

A full list of links can be found on their website.


A prayer for those affected by coronavirus
God, our rock and shield, we pray for our land, and all nations and places in our world, as many endure the effects of the illness Covid-19 and the Coronavirus pandemic.
For those who are ill, grant healing;
for those who mourn the death of loved ones, bring comfort;
for those who care for the sick, grant strength and endurance;
for those who are isolated or whose livelihoods are threatened, give courage and hope;
for all who take difficult decisions, from governments to health practitioners, give wisdom and compassion to accompany the knowledge and experience that they bring.
Deliver us from this disease, we pray, and enable all nations and communities to grow in collaboration and unity as we face this challenge together.
Grant a legacy of enduring common purpose in facing all that threatens our global common good.
We pray in Jesus’ name, in the unity of the Spirit, Amen.

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Contemporary Martyrs Day

On 15 February each year, the Coptic Orthodox Church worldwide commemorates the lives of its contemporary martyrs on the anniversary…


New National Police Chaplain

In early January 2024, Pastor Matthew Hopley began work as the National Police Chaplain. Matthew has been involved with Police…