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Official launch of ‘West Midlands Faith in Action’

A new West Midlands partnership of Black, African and Caribbean churches launches online at 7.00pm this evening. ‘West Midlands Faith in Action’ (WMFIA) is a regional umbrella of Christian church- and community-leaders who are uniting to provide a collective voice for Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities, with special emphasis on Black, African and Caribbean (BAC) communities. Feeling under-represented, insufficiently supported and often-silenced, BAC leaders called together congregational and community leaders, along with parachurch and business leaders, with the aim of creating regional leadership for the BAC community. This resulted in the establishment of WMFIA in early 2020.

WMFIA seeks to work effectively with its membership, joining up skills, knowledge and insights from its retrospective lens to achieve the best possible results for all, avoiding duplication and reducing the need for silo working. It aims to deliver joint solutions, to share appropriate information and to find new ways of providing services together. In all its dealings with its partners, WMFIA wishes to ensure that all feel respected and valued.

WMFIA believes that Christ-centred leadership has the potential to make a huge impact throughout the community. It is striving for better outcomes for children and young people through its structured and accountable partnership. This includes challenging long-term cultural issues, inequalities, disparities and injustices.

The WMFIA has three co-chairs:
Bishop Tedroy Powell (National Presiding Bishop, Church of God of Prophecy)
Bishop Deverton Douglas (Regional Bishop, New Testament Church of God)
Bishop Desmond Jaddoo (Temple of Praise)
The co-chairs are supported in the WMFIA work by Revd Maxine Douglas (National Social Action Director, Church of God of Prophecy)

To find out more about WMFIA, visit its website HERE. For access details to this evening’s Zoom meeting e-mail THIS ADDRESS.

24 April 2024

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