St Chad’s Sanctuary is 15!
St Chad’s Sanctuary is turning 15! and is sharing some fundraising ideas to support its work going forward. St Chad’s…
Resources for Lent 2025
The season of Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday, Wednesday 5 March and run until Maundy Thursday, 17 April. Resources…
Thy Kingdom Come
The 10th annual ‘Thy Kingdom Come‘ prayer novena will take place from Ascension Day (Thursday 29 May) to Pentecost (Sunday…
Jubilee Year, Pilgrims of Hope
The 2025 Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ is now underway. The Jubilee Year began with the opening of the Holy Door in St…
Recognition for Services to Ecumenism
Robert Mountford, Ecumenical Mission Officer for Staffordshire and the Potteries and Ecumenical Development Enabler for Birmingham Churches Together has been…
Pray24Brum live
Pray24Brum is live today Friday 24th and Saturday 25th January as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity….
Spiritual Accompaniment Course organised by The Birmingham Forum for Spiritual Directors and Companions
Applications are open for a one year ecumenical training course for lay and ordained Christians that begins in September 2025….