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Participating in Politics

With a General Election on the horizon for 2024, how can we equip ourselves to participate. In this article we highlight a number of resources and ideas to help you and your church.

  • Be informed.

Do you know who your MP is, their voting record or written submissions? They Work For You profiles this information. When you meet, write or arrange hustings you are more informed as to who your MPS is.

  • Make the most of what is out there.

Tearfund, Christian Aid, CAFOD, JPIT regularly produce materials or launch appeals that you can use to determine priorities. You don’t need to do all the research yourself; it has been done for you.

The Joint Public Issues Team host Politics in the Pulpit; a lectionary based resource.

“Each week, we welcome a different guest, discussing the political dimensions present in the Bible readings explored by many churches the following Sunday, and reflecting on how they connect with the week’s current news and our calling to be justice seekers.”

  • Church Leaders.

Church Leaders issue joint statements. Most recently a joint call for action on poverty and on the Rwanda Bill. You can use these to arrange an event around or to write to your MP asking them to forward to the relevant Minister.

Church leaders issue joint call for action on poverty in 2024 (


  • Hustings

Once an election has been called you may want to call a hustings, bringing those standing for parliament together to answer questions from the community. There are a number of ‘how to guides’

How to Host Hustings from Joint Public Issues Team

How to organise Election Hustings from the Evangelical Alliance

Hustings Briefings from Quakers in Britain

Over the next couple of months we shall continue to share resources that will aid participation ahead of the General Election.

22 May 2024

Science and Faith

Following on from the successful Science and faith in the Second City lectures organised by ChaplaincyPlus in 2022 we are…

24 April 2024

Introduction to Workplace Chaplaincy Training Course

Do you have a few hours to spare each week?  Are you looking for a way to volunteer in the…


St Peter’s Saltley Trust

From April 2024, the St Peter’s Saltley Trust is to dedicate one third of its annual grants budget to funding…