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Welcoming the Commonwealth Games

A vibrant ecumenical ‘Service of Praise’ to welcome the Commonwealth Games to the West Midlands took place at St Chad’s Cathedral yesterday afternoon (Sunday 24 July). The service had been put together by Mgr Tim Menezes (Dean of St Chad’s Cathedral), Dr Beverly Lindsay OBE (Association of Jamaica Nationals UK), Laurence Sharman (World Prayer Centre) … Read more

The ‘Difference’ course

The Archbishop of Canterbury’s ‘Difference‘ course will run in six weekly online sessions, beginning on Wednesday 7 September. The course is being sponsored by the Church of England Dioceses of Birmingham, Coventry and Lichfield, but is open to people of every Church background. A two-minute trailer can be viewed HERE. The course will run on Wednesday evenings via … Read more

Celebrating 23 years of welcoming refugees

Restore’s Annual Celebration was a great opportunity to bring together the ‘Restore family’ of refugees, asylum seekers, volunteers and supporters for the first event of its kind in 3 years.  As an organisation focused on welcome and building relationships it was fantastic to meet old friends and find new ones.  The Celebration was generously hosted … Read more

Reflections on the work of Birmingham Churches Together from Rev’d Ian Howarth

Ahead of his retirement, Rev’d Ian Howarth, Chair of Birmingham Methodist District and President of Birmingham Churches Together shares his reflections. Further reflections on Rev’d Ian Howarth’s time as chair of Birmingham Methodist District can be found HERE During my nine years as Chair of the Birmingham Methodist District, I have greatly valued the work … Read more

Engaging around the Commonwealth Games

The 2022 Commonwealth Games will take place at 14 midlands venues (plus one in London) between Thursday 28 July and Monday 8 August inclusive. A team of representatives from West Midlands’ Churches has been meeting on a monthly basis over the last three years to plan engagement in and around the Games. Among the outcomes … Read more

‘Together 22’ festival

Salvation Army officers and soldiers from around the UK will gather in Birmingham during the weekend Friday 15 to Sunday 17 July. The ‘Together 22’ festival will combine prayer, music, worship, seminars and the commissioning of new officers, as well as a number of fringe events. The festival will carry the theme ‘Love God, Love … Read more