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New leaders for Birmingham’s Methodists

The first of September is traditionally the day on which Methodist Chairs of District, Superintendents and Presbyters around the country take up their new posts. This is certainly true for Birmingham’s Methodists in 2022. Following the retirement of Revd Ian Howarth, Revd Novette Headley will become Chair of the Birmingham Methodist District, which serves 139 … Read more

Churches’ involvement at the Commonwealth Games

The 2022 Commonwealth Games have been and gone, having left behind many memories of the races and events, the stadiums and venues, the upbeat atmosphere and sense of camaraderie. Christians were involved in and around the Games, of course, whether as athletes, volunteers or staff members. In addition, churches and Christian agencies collaborated in specific … Read more

Money Matters

From the current spiralling cost of living crisis and growing inequality, to calls for payments for poorer nations to adapt to the growing challenge of climate change, to discussions of reparations for the historic damage of transatlantic slavery and colonialism, conversations about money really matter. Who has it, who hasn’t got it, and what it … Read more

Saying farewell to Bishop David

After 16 years, the Rt Revd David Urquhart is preparing to retire from the post of Bishop of Birmingham. Bishop David’s final service, in which he will lay down the Birmingham Crosier, will take place in the presence of invited guests at St Philip’s Cathedral on Tuesday 18 October. The service will also be live-streamed on the … Read more

‘Black Light’ Course

The Black Light course was developed 25 years ago by Les Isaac (Founder of the Ascension Trust, which runs Street Pastors) and Stuart Murray Williams (Trainer and consultant with the Anabaptist Network and Urban Expression). The course is not a knee-jerk response to current issues, therefore, but an ongoing engagement with contemporary concerns about racism … Read more

Through the Roof! 

The charity ‘Through the Roof’ trains and equips churches and other organisations to be inclusive of people with any form of disability. ‘Through the Roof’ publishes resource material, runs short-term overseas missions, distributes refurbished wheelchairs in developing countries and runs accessible holidays, among other programmes. TtR makes the Christian gospel accessible to all affected by disability … Read more

Midlands Youth Conference

On Saturday 24 September, the Message Trust, in partnership with Youth For Christ, 24/7 Prayer, Scripture Union and Open Doors, will hold a Midlands Youth Conference in Derby. The aim of the conference is for 11 – 18 year-olds to be equipped in sharing the Good News of Jesus with their friends. The event will … Read more

Churches in Alvechurch celebrate the arrival of the Commonwealth Games.

On July 30th Alvechurch held their very own Games, celebrating the arrival of the Commonwealth Games just down the road. Alvechurch Games evening at the Baptist Church was never going to match the Commonwealth Games with its £millions budget just a few miles up the road in Birmingham. However the church organised a multi-event Team … Read more