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6 month countdown to the Commonwealth Games

With 6 months to go the Birmingham 2022 Games Churches Together Group is pleased to share ways that your church and community can join in with supporting and enjoying the Games taking place from the 28 July-8 August. Our first of 6 monthly newsletters was sent out today and is available here Bham 2022 Games … Read more

Introduction to workplace chaplaincy

Between 3 March and 14 April, Birmingham-based charity CIGB is to run a seven-week introductory course to Workplace Chaplaincy. The course is intended for people who are interested in exploring Workplace Chaplaincy as an outworking of their faith life. It introduces some of the core themes and skills of Workplace Chaplaincy, such as caring/listening, connecting … Read more

Birmingham City Mission’s Sponsored Sleepout

On Friday 25 February 2022, Birmingham City mission is inviting people to spend the night outside in a cardboard box, in order to raise awareness of what it is really like to sleep rough – and to raise money for BCM’s work with the homeless in the city. The annual Sponsored Sleepout will take place … Read more

The Woodbrooke Centre

Woodbrooke has been a place of meeting and fellowship for nearly 120 years. Once the family home of prominent Quaker George Cadbury, Woodbrooke has been the main venue for residential Quaker learning in Britain.  Over the decades the way Woodbrooke has delivered this learning has changed to meet changing needs. Gone are the days when … Read more

Time4Change prayer meeting

Steve Botham, a member of Birmingham’s inter-denominational, anti-racism Time4Change group, shares about a prayer event to be held on the evening of Thursday 20 January, during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. ‘What an important time to pray together across the city. 2022 is a vital year for Birmingham. The eyes of the nation … Read more

Vineyard joins Churches Together in England

In later 2021, ‘Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland’ became the 52nd member church of Churches Together in England. The first Vineyard congregation in the UK was started in 1987. Since then, ‘The Vineyard’ has been planting churches, caring for people on the margins of society, growing communities who prioritise worship, praying for the sick and … Read more

Thriving as a Christian single

Questions often asked by Christian singles include, ‘Do I have the gift of singleness?,’ ‘Can I thrive as a single Christian?’ and ‘Where can I find the support I need, if my church or married friends are unable to help?’ A new event entitled ‘Unpacking singleness in the Kingdom’ aims to answer these – and … Read more