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Jericho rebrands for the future

The Jericho Foundation is rebranding and will in future be known simply as ‘Jericho.’ The rebrand has been undertaken to reflect the changes that have taken place within the organisation over recent years, changes which have made Jericho one of the UK’s most innovative, successful and effective social enterprise charities. Established in 1993 and built … Read more

National landmark to answered prayer granted planning permission

Planning permission has been granted for a new national landmark to answered prayer in Coleshill, to the east of Birmingham. The news was released in several national newspapers on Sunday 13 September. It is intended that building work commence in Spring 2021, with completion in late 2022. When opened, the ‘Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer’ … Read more

Prayer-walking Birmingham’s postcodes

After a break over the school summer holidays, Andy Mackie has re-started his series of prayer walks through Birmingham’s postcode areas. This week sees Andy covering the B20, B21, B24 and B25 areas. At 9.00am each weekday, Andy is praying outside a designated church building in a postcode area. Between 9.15am and 10.00 he prayer-walks … Read more

Refugee awareness and befriender training

‘Restore’ is offering free online training to anyone interested in discovering more about refugee issues, or volunteering as a befriender. Restore is a project of Birmingham Churches Together, which aims to welcome, include and assist the integration of refugees and those seeking sanctuary from persecution. Restore works to achieve this through befriending, social activities, equipping … Read more

Statements following the stabbings over the weekend

A series of stabbings took place in the City Centre in the early hours of Sunday morning, as a result of which one person died and seven others were seriously injured. Following the incident, the Most Revd Bernard Longley (Roman Catholic Archbishop of Birmingham) and the Right Revd David Urquhart (Anglican Bishop of Birmingham), issued … Read more

Churches Together in England celebrates 30 years

Today ‘Churches Together in England‘ celebrates its 30th birthday! Its Inaugural Service took place at 12 noon on Saturday 1 September 1990 at St George’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, Southwark. At the service, 19 senior Church Leaders signed the Basis and Commitment to the new ecumenical journey. The statement read, ‘Churches Together in England unites in … Read more

Retreat in Daily Working Life

For the ninth year, Chaplaincy Plus is partnering with Manresa Link to offer the ‘Retreat in Daily Working Life.’ The course runs over six weeks between mid-September and early November. This year, the opening and closing meetings will take place online, with the choice to meet a prayer guide in person, online or by telephone … Read more

Revisiting Genesis: New Angles on Old Stories

Between 17 September and 18 November, Dr Ann Conway-Jones will lead a course entitled ‘Revisiting Genesis: New Angles on Old Stories.’ The course comprises live discussion sessions, written and visual material, a private discussion forum and individual reflection. The five live sessions will take place via Zoom fortnightly between 6.00pm and 7.00pm, beginning on Tuesday … Read more