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A Service of Praise and Celebration

It may be once in our lives that our city hosts an international sporting event, such as the Commonwealth Games. As Birmingham Churches Together we have bought together Churches and Christians to reflect, plan and prepare our part in welcoming visitors to the city. The World Prayer Centre has created prayer resources following the Queens … Read more

The United Reformed Church is 50 not out!

50 years ago today, 21 June 1972, the Bill was debated in Parliament which enabled the Presbyterian Church of England and the Congregational Church in England and Wales to come together to form the United Reformed Church. Each local URC congregation is overseen by a group of elders, who work alongside the ordained ‘Minister of … Read more

Bishop of Birmingham to step down

The Rt Revd David Urquhart will step down as Bishop of Birmingham on Tuesday 18 October 2022. Having completed 16 years in the role, and having reached the retirement age of 70, Bishop David is preparing for new adventures. In the meantime, in addition to business-as-usual and saying his farewells, Bishop David is part of the … Read more

‘Talking Jesus’ report 2022

The ‘Talking Jesus’ report, originally published in 2015, has been updated in 2022. The report, which is the result of the partnership between Alpha, the Evangelical Alliance, HOPE Together, the Luis Palau Association and Kingsgate Community Church, reveals the state of faith in the UK, showing how people come to faith in Jesus and how … Read more

The Faith Experiment

The ‘Faith in Science’ group is to relaunch ‘The Faith Experiment’ programme with a series of sessions to be held at Birmingham Science Museum’s thinktank on Wednesday 22 June. ‘The Faith Experiment’ is a programme comprising of seven interactive, family-friendly sessions examining perceived conflicts between established science and the Christian faith – and helping to reconcile the two. All … Read more