Pray24Brum - Find Out More

Birmingham Warm Welcome

Through the ‘Thrive Together Birmingham’ team, Church of England Birmingham have been collaborating with voluntary, community and faith sector partners across the city and with Birmingham City Council to develop responses to the Cost of Living Crisis and in particular the response to rising energy costs. ‘Warm Spaces’ are being set up all over the … Read more

Gather, collaborate, imagine

West Midlands Mayor Andy Street is seeking to work closely with all faith communities in the region. At this time of significant socio-economic crisis, Andy is calling faith leaders to gather, collaborate and inspire – and to put faith into action. To this end, a day-long meeting will take place at the Bescot Stadium, Walsall … Read more

‘Do Good, Seek Justice’ Pray24Brum

It is only a few weeks till the 2023 #Pray24Brum 24-hour prayer relay where our theme is ‘Do Good, Seek Justice.’ These times do make a difference to the spiritual life of the city and it’s always significant to begin the year praying for Birmingham. Pray24Brum, which takes place during the Week of Prayer for … Read more

Introducing ‘Birmingham Pastors’

‘Birmingham Pastors’ is a project of Networkfour, an award-winning Christian charity that over the last 15 years has provided care and compassion to more than 10,000 vulnerable children, at-risk young people, hard-to-reach adults and crisis families in Birmingham and the wider West Midlands. The Birmingham Pastors volunteer street-care team offers practical, hands-on, pastoral support between … Read more

Don’t Be Out of Your Depth with Deaf People in Church

Through the Roof New Deaf Awareness Video available If you don’t know sign language, meeting someone at church who is d/Deaf* may seem scary. How could you communicate? Answer: watch the new free Deaf Awareness training video for churches available from disability charity Through the Roof.   Revd Neil Robinson, Chaplain to the Deaf community … Read more

Birmingham City Council Christian Faith Leaders Health Review Panel

This summer an unprecedented project between the Church of England Birmingham and Birmingham City Council Public Health has been launched through the work of the newly established Birmingham City Council Christian Health Review Panel. Over the last year Birmingham City Council Public Health have been developing a series of health information packs with information relevant … Read more

Chaplaincy Plus Annual Celebration

The 2022 Chaplaincy Plus Annual Celebration will take place on Wednesday, 19 October, at the office of Mills & Reeve, 78 – 84 Colmore Row, Birmingham, B3 2AB. Attendees are invited to gather from 5.30pm for light refreshments. The event will run from 6.00pm to 7.30pm. The programme will include highlights from the last year … Read more

Leaders’ Summit

Birmingham and Solihull Church Leaders were among the 23 West Midlands Church Leaders who met over 24 hours at the Woodbrooke Quaker Centre, Birmingham, on Sunday 2/Monday 3 October. At the summit, the leaders took time to listen to each other, to pray together and to consider ‘what the Spirit is saying to the Churches’ at this … Read more