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‘As One’

Martin Graham introduces the ‘As one’ initiative: ‘Few would disagree that we need more community kindness and solidarity, with local people knowing each other, enjoying a friendly atmosphere, creating an answer to endemic loneliness, giving practical help to vulnerable neighbours and enjoying the kind of warm communal environment most people would want their children to … Read more

Statements concerning the conflict in Ukraine

The Churches Together in England Forum is the broadest gathering of churches and Christian organisations in England, bringing together 52 national member churches, Christian organisations and intermediate ecumenical bodies. Meeting at The Hayes, Swanwick on 14 – 16 March 2022, the Ukrainian crisis was an urgent priority alongside its planned programme considering ‘Reconciling Hope — … Read more

Invitation to special prayer during April

Since the month of April carries special spiritual significance for many people in the city, Birmingham’s ChurchCentral church is inviting Christians to make April 2022 a special month of prayer for Birmingham and Solihull. ChurchCentral is part of the ‘Catalyst’ relational network of churches, which in turn belongs to the Newfrontiers Church family. Read more about … Read more

Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

On Sunday 6 February 2022, the Queen became the first British monarch in history to reign for 70 years. To mark her landmark achievement, celebrations will take place throughout the year, with special four-day Bank Holiday weekend from Thursday 2 to Sunday 5 June: ·         On the morning of Thursday 2 June, the Queen’s Birthday Parade … Read more

Spiritual Perspectives on the Pandemic

Spiritual Perspectives on the Pandemic Organised by Churches Together in Balsall and Berkswell A series of 5 talks by different speakers on 12, 19, 26 and 2 April (The first was held on the 5th March) These Talks and Discussions have been developed jointly by the six churches in Churches Together in Balsall and Berkswell.  … Read more