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A Welcoming Church – people living with disability

‘Father Hudson’s Care’ is working with the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham on a new project called ‘Being a Welcoming Church.’ It is a call for action with regard to four groups of people – older people, refugees, people living with disability and the homeless. Each area of concern will be introduced at a one-hour … Read more

Being a Welcoming Church – focus on older people

‘Father Hudson’s Care’ is working with the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham on a new project called ‘Being a Welcoming Church.’ It is a call for action with regard to four groups of people – older people, refugees, people living with disability and the homeless. Each area of concern will be introduced at a one-hour … Read more

Being a Welcoming Church

‘Father Hudson’s Care’ is working with the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham on a new project called ‘Being a Welcoming Church.’ It is a call for action with regard to four groups of people – older people, refugees, people living with disability and the homeless. Each area of concern will be introduced at a one-hour … Read more

Patriarchal visit to Birmingham

The head of the Maronite Church and Patriarch of Antioch and All of the East, His Beatitude Cardinal Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi, will make his first-ever pastoral visit to the United Kingdom from Saturday 7 to Saturday 14 January 2023. At a time of unprecedented political and economic turmoil in Lebanon, Cardinal al-Rahi, as head of … Read more

Advent & Christmas Resources

Ahead of Advent Sunday (November 27th) we are sharing resources and materials from Churches. If there is a resource that is not included and you would like to make us aware of, please get in touch via Church of England Follow the Star – The Great Invitation Following a series of difficult Christmases, churches … Read more

New Archdiocesan Vocations Team launched

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham recently launched a new team for vocations and mission. The team, which comes under the leadership of Fr Craig Szmidt, is available to offer support across the Archdiocese from its base at the Diocesan Vocations Office in the grounds of St Mary’s College, Oscott. Pictured are Natalie Orefice, Deacon … Read more

Living more simply

A ‘Living more simply’ webinar will take place on Tuesday 14 December, between 7.00pm and 8.30pm. Neil Thorns (CAFOD Director of Advocacy) and Bishop Stephen Wright (Auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Birmingham and CAFOD trustee) will share with Catholic parishes how they can take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. More information at … Read more